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Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein Written Update 13 May 2022

Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein 13th May 2022 Written Update on

Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein Written Update 13 May 2022 begins with Chavans being shocked to see Sai in Bhavani's saree while Sai's mother shows her faith of Sai and praises Sai's beauty. Sai informs her about going to the temple to get the blessings of God to begin Virat and Sai's new start. However, Karishma questions if Bhavani is transferring her responsibilities to Sai?

Everyone is stunned, however, Sonali refuses to acknowledge it , saying that there's any possibility for Bhavani to delegate her responsibilities to Sai. She also reminds everyone that Ashwini as well as Ashwini are with Sai and Ashwini, which is why Bhavani stands up for Sai and asks what she's doing to not assign her duties to her?

Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein Written Update 13 May 2022

In this scene, Sonali gets stunned by Bhavani's decision after she opens up her plans to hand over all of her duties to Sai. Bhavani expresses her trust in Sai and says that only she is capable of handling Chavan Niwas. While, Sonali argues with her and Omkar is also showing his love for his wife.

Omkar reminds Bhavani of how she used to insult Sai and inquires why she started to trust Sai? While, Sai also tells that she doesn't think she's worthy of to be called Bhavani and requests her to delegate responsibility to somebody else. In contrast, Bhavani makes Sai understand that she can only manage the house in a proper manner and claims she's more competent than Sonali and Ashwini.

GHKKPM written update 13 May 2022

In another scene, Pakhi gets jealous of Sai and was planning to leave the place after hearing about Bhavani's decision. However, Samrat hands her to prevent her from leaving. She stares at him as he tells her to remain. While she is there, Bhavani ties a thread in the palm of Sai and tells her the thread will help her remind herself of the duties she has to the home.

Sai becomes nervous as Virat promises her. Bhavani is planning to go to the temple to get blessings from God to help Sai start a new chapter. While Ashwini recalls the day they went to the temple to take a blessing when Bhavani took on her new responsibilities.

Chavans takes blessings

In the next step, Chavans takes blessings from the God before wandering throughout the temple. While, Bhavani appreciates Virat's decision to choose Sai. While, Sai looks at Virat and is concerned. She asks Bhavani regarding her identity to which Bhavani replies that, from now on, her identity will change to her daughter in law from Chavans house . She also reminds her of her responsibilities.

Ashwini demands prayers from the Priest in honor of Sai and Virat, and Ashwini accepts in order to have an infant into their home. However, Sonali and Mansi insists to bless Karishma-Mohit and Pakhi-Samrat too. Bhavani is in agreement and asks the two to sit beside Sai and Virat during the puja. You can read 
Gum Hai kisi ke Pyar me 12 May 2022.

The priest then begins with the Puja by throwing pebbles at Sai but they fall onto Pakhi which shocks everyone. The priest then is calm and asks the people to let the divine will do the work. The priest assures Bhavani that in the near future, a child will be born at Chavans Niwas. As for Sai, Sai requests Virat to reveal the truth to Bhavani but he isn't willing to explain about the issue to Sai.

Precap: Virat describes his situation to Sai and asks Sai if a seriously ill patient is coming, will she immediately inform him that he's about to die? In contrast, Pakhi confronts Bhavani and is able to incite her against Sai. She claims that she is certain Sai is guilty of a crime and is trying to be a decent daughter-in-law to the rest of them. She states that in the near future, Sai's face will be taken off.

In Other Words Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein Written Update 13 May 2022

Episode starts with Chavans getting shocked seeing Sai in Bhavani’s saree, while the latter shows her confidence in Sai and praises her. She notify about visiting the temple in order to take the blessing of God to start Virat and Sai’s new beginning. Whereas, Karishma questions if Bhavani is giving her responsibilities to Sai? Everyone gets shocked, while Sonali denies about it and says there isn’t any chance for Bhavani to give her duties to Sai. She reminds that she and Ashwini are there before Sai, to which Bhavani takes a stand for Sai and questions why she can’t give her responsibilities to her?

Here, Sonali gets stunned by Bhavani’s decision as she reveals about giving all her duties to Sai. Bhavani shows her confidence on Sai stating that only she has the potential to handle Chavan Niwas. Whereas, Sonali argues with her and Omkar also shows his his support towards his wife.

Use to taunt Sai

Omkar reminds Bhavani that how she use to taunt Sai and questions how suddenly she started trusting her? Whereas, Sai also tells that she don’t think she deserves the title of Bhavani and ask her to give responsibilities to someone else. Whereas, Bhavani makes Sai understand that she only can handle the house properly and says that she is better then Sonali or Ashwini.

Elsewhere, Pakhi gets jealous of Sai and was about to leave from there after hearing Bhavani’s decision, but Samrat holds her hand to stop her. She looks at him, while he signals her to stay. Meanwhile, Bhavani ties a thread in Sai’s hand and says that it will remind her about all the responsibilities towards the house.

Sai gets nervous while Virat assures her. Bhavani plans to visit the temple in order to take blessings from God for Sai’s new beginning. Whereas, Ashwini remembers the time when they came there when Bhavani got her responsibilities.

Ahead, Chavans takes blessings from the God and then roams around the temple. Whereas, Bhavani appreciates Virat’s decision that he had chosen for Sai. Meanwhile, Sai looks at Virat being worried. She then questions Bhavani about her identity, to which the latter says that from now on her identity will be as the daughter-in-law of Chavans house and reminds her about her duty.

Ashwini insists to take blessings from the priest for Sai and Virat, while Ashwini agrees in order to bring a child in their house. Whereas, Sonali and Mansi insists to give blessings to Karishma-Mohit and Pakhi-Samrat also. Bhavani agrees and ask them to sit behind Sai and Virat in the Puja. Precap 

Further, the priest starts the Puja and throws pebbles on Sai but it falls on Pakhi making everyone shocked. Whereas, the priest calms them asking to let destiny do its work. He assures Bhavani that soon a child will come to Chavans Niwas. Meanwhile, Sai requests Virat to tell the truth to Bhavani but he denies explaining about the situation to Sai.

Precap:- Virat explains his situation to Sai and questions her if any extremely ill patient will come, then will she directly notify him that he is going to die? Whereas, Pakhi confronts Bhavani and instigates her against Sai. She says that she is sure Sai has done something wrong and is just trying to act as a good daughter-in-law in front of them. She states that soon Sai’s mask will get removed.

Please Read If you want to read daily written updates of Ghum Hai kisikey pyaar mein, then definitely visit our site Dainik Jankari. You can read previous Ghum hai kisi ke pyaar mein written updates in hindi on this page.


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